
Storing additional information in each option

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By default each option field (like checkbox, radio button and select button) stores 4 items:

1.- Label


3.-Sale Price

4.- Price Type

But if needed you can make them save additional information and use this information in conditions or formulas.

To save additional information do the following:

1.- Go to the field designer and click in “Add additional column”, a panel will pop up

2.- Define the name of your new column

And that’s it! This column will be added in the options designer


About the Author:

Im programmer working for an international company. I have programmed since i was 12 and i have done it professionally for 6 years. Programming for a company is fun and i have learned a lot of things but i have always been interested in running my own business so i decided to give it a shot doing what i do best, programming stuffs.
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