
Button selection

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Add a Button Selection to the product

At the top of the settings you will find a preview of how your button selection will be displayed



1.-Label: The text at the top of the input box

2.- Image Position: Add where you want the image to be displayed

3.- Number of Columns: Number of columns to create

4.- Allow Multiple: It gives you the option to select several buttons at the same time

5.- Required: Make the field required


1.- Image: choose from a wide variety of icons or upload your own image from your gallery, this icon is displayed within the button selection

2.-Label: The button title

3.- Price: Define the option price

4.- Sale: Define the sale price

5.- Price Type: Add a price type; a fixed price, a percentage of the original price or the fixed price plus an additional percentage

6.- +/ – : Add or remove options


1.- Price type: Configure how the price of the field will be calculated

2.- Hide Price: Hide the current price of the field

3.- Show Price In Each Button


1.- Quantity Position: Define the position of the quantity field

2.- Default value: Edit the default quantity

3.- Quantity Label: Label for the quantity field

4.- Placeholder: Text that is shown when the quantity field is empty

5.- Maximum Value: Maximum quantity

6.- Minimum Value: Minimum quantity


1.- Field Name: The field name is used when you wanto to access the field programmatically through the API

2.- Custom CSS: Add a classname to the field that can be used to style it using CSS

Description (Full Version Only)

1.- Descriptions: Description below the Button selection

2.- Tooltip: Add a symbol next to the name of the button selection where a descriptive text will appear


They are actions such as hiding the field or changing the price that are executed when a configurable criteria is met

Enable Show/Hide Conditions

Allows you to show or hide the button selection only if the conditions are met.

Enable Custom Validations (Full Version Only)

You can create custom validations for each field. When a field is not valid it can display a configurable text bellow it.

Disable Options depending on a condition (Full Version Only)

Enables or disables the selected options when the configurable conditions are met

Set maximum number of items depending on a condition (Full Version Only)


Edit the appearance of the field.

Custom Actions

Allow you to do advance configurations and actions with the field using JavaScript.

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